Ozo Background & Lore
Lunar New Year Map Skin
New Hero Skins
Lunar New Year Events
Gameplay Changes in Winter Season
Hero Balance
Bug Fixes
Update 1.14 celebrates the Lunar New Year with a new “Year of the Monkey” hero, a special Halcyon Fold map skin, limited-edition Red Lantern Koshka and a massive slate of special Lunar New Year in-game events. Plus, we introduce our big Winter Season jungle changes and Draft Mode in Ranked. The Glory is about to rain down on those playing every day. Let’s shine a light on this monumental update …
Quick and nimble, Ozo leaps from hero to hero as he bounces around the battlefield. He is at home in the center of a chaotic fight where he can deal large amounts of area-of-effect damage. Remember to build defensive items to maximize the amount of time he can stay in combat.
Read Ozo’s story:
- Part I: ‘Showoffin’
- Part II: ‘The Red Lantern Festival’
Ozo will be unlockable with ICE only for the first 7 days. Afterward, you will be able to unlock Ozo with ICE or Glory.
Ozo receives 10%-30% additional healing, barrier and fortified health from all sources. (This does not affect health regeneration.)
Ozo performs a three-hit combo with his ring. Each part of the combo is a separate tap within a 5-second window.
- First hit: Ozo thrusts his ring forward, damaging the target and other enemies in front of him.
- Second hit: Ozo dashes through his target and deals damage.
- Final hit: Ozo spins, damaging all nearby enemies.
Each hit deals weapon damage and triggers basic-attack effects. Ozo heals for each enemy damaged by any of these hits, with hero damage granting a greater heal.
Ozo hops onto the head of a nearby target (enemy, ally or creature), slowing it by 60% and damaging it. While Ozo is airborne, quickly tap a nearby target to bounce off one head to the other. Three hops maximum. The final hop deals increased damage. If Ozo hops at least twice, he’ll get a burst of move speed. Reduced crystal scaling vs. minions.
Ozo charges up before tumbling to a targeted enemy hero. If he reaches the target within 1 second, he deals damage, stuns for 0.5 seconds and flips the target over his ring to behind him. While tumbling, Ozo will knock aside and deal reduced damage to all other enemies in his path.
The heroes of Vainglory are celebrating the Lunar New Year! We decorated the Halcyon Fold for the occasion.
Read the Lunar New Year map interview with Super Evil artist EvilOnTheInside.
To celebrate Lunar New Year, Koshka explodes onto the Fold in her luckiest red party dress, the one with the pretty peacock on the back, oh! and did I say DRAGON CLAWS? Plus, she sets off firecrackers with every ability!
This special Koshka skin will only be available for a limited time, so get it in the Market while you can!
Read about ‘Red Lantern’ Koshka’s Festival adventure with her friend, Ozo!
Those who endure The Churn will gather resources from a forgotten time to survive. Fury Rona is one such survivor…
Read the Fury Rona reveal lore.
The Lunar New Year is coming! Get ready to play every day during our Lunar New Year celebration to collect in-game gifts, cards, Double Glory & more!
Need more Glory to unlock heroes for the new Draft Mode in Ranked? Have your eye on an awesome skin and need more cards? Sign in each day during the big Lunar New Year Celebration between Feb. 2-13 to get escalating Red Envelope Glory gifts! The total Glory is massive, so don’t miss a day!
Here’s the daily breakdown:
Daily ‘Red Envelope’ Gifts | Sign-in bonus |
Day 1 gift | 100 Glory |
Day 2 gift | 200 Glory |
Day 3 gift | 350 Glory |
Day 4 gift | 500 Glory |
Day 5 gift | 750 Glory |
Day 6 Glory gift | 1,000 Glory |
Day 7 Glory gift | 2,000 Glory |
Total potential gifts: | 4,900 Glory! |
For the first time ever, we’re discounting heroes in the Market (both ICE and Glory prices). Use the Glory gifts you’re collecting to unlock the heroes you need to play the new Draft Mode in Ranked. This special Lunar New Year sale is for a limited time, so get sale heroes while you can!
In preparation for the limited-edition Red Lantern Koshka skin coming in Update 1.14, each account that plays on an iPhone or iPad between Feb. 2-12 will receive a free Koshka hero unlock. Just sign in and play any time during the Lunar New Year event! This Koshka unlock brings you one step closer to meeting the new Ranked play hero requirements.
Log into your account on an Android device between Feb. 2-12 to get a free Ringo hero unlock. Remember: The free hero rotation does not apply to Ranked play, so this incredibly versatile sniper brings you one step closer to meeting the new Ranked play hero requirements.
To celebrate the Lunar New Year, every game you play on Feb. 7 and Feb. 11 will grant double Glory post-match! It’s two more ways the Lunar New Year will help you accelerate toward a wide array of hero unlocks to keep the game fresh and give you more game mode options.
- Play for Double Glory on Feb. 7 & Feb. 11, starting at 8AM PST
- Double Glory lasts for 24 hours from each date.
- All you need to do is play; you will get twice the Glory as normal for every match you complete!
Cards ‘Crazy 8’ returns on Feb. 11 at 4PM PST for one day only!
For 24 hours only during the Lunar New Year celebration, players will be able to earn guaranteed cards. Starting at 4PM PST on Thursday, Feb. 11, your first eight wins will reward you with guaranteed cards. The more you win, the better and better the cards will get!
- Wins 1-4: Get a guaranteed Rare card.
- Wins 5-7: Get a guaranteed Epic card.
- Win 8: Get a guaranteed Legendary card!
This special card event will end at 4PM PST on Friday, Feb. 12. Remember, this event only lasts for 24 hours! Don’t miss it!
Play every day to take part in the biggest in-game event in Vainglory history! Tell your friends, get in games, collect your gifts and celebrate the Lunar New Year with us.
A number of major gameplay changes are coming together in Update 1.14 as our Winter Season continues.
Update 1.14 brings Draft Mode to Ranked play! Draft empowers players to use their game knowledge more effectively and adds an element of strategy that heightens the game experience. Read below to find out how Draft Mode changes the game for you!
Draft is a big change, so we’re going to make it in steps. This will allow players to become familiar with the new mode in a comfortable, gradual way. And most importantly, it allows us to collect lots of community feedback before the feature becomes mandatory in Ranked. This game belongs to all of us, and your input helps shape it. Let us know what you think of the new Draft mode and how we can make it better for you!
In Phase 1, Ranked matches will only feature Draft Mode if you have queued as a full three-person party, and you will only play in Draft against three-person parties. If you enter Ranked solo queue or as a two-person party, you’ll play Blind Pick the same way you always have.
We have the ability to expand Draft Mode to all of Ranked at any time. We will be closely monitoring player feedback, with a special focus on how easy (or hard) Drafting is to understand and how Draft matches feel. We’re super-excited about this new feature, and we look forward to expanding it to the full Ranked experience!
Let’s take a closer look at the new Draft mode …
Draft starts by letting the players make the big decisions. Each draft phase will be different and fresh, resulting in countless combinations!
The first stage of Draft Mode will assign each player on a team either first, second or third pick. First pick is the team captain who will decide the ban for their team. Captains tap on a hero to select them. A second tap will lock-in that ban choice. A banned hero cannot be played by either team.
Draft Mode continues with the pick stage. Hero selections are exclusive in this phase. Once a hero is chosen, it is not available to any other player (on either team).
Though you are part of a team, you are the only one picking when it’s your turn to draft. Hero selection is your choice. Use your time wisely.
Though the draft follows a 1:2:2:1 picking format, each player has their own turn to select the hero of their choice. This ensures two players are never competing to see who can pick and lock a hero first. Players are given 25 seconds to ban or pick a hero.
This phase starts with blue side’s captain selecting the first pick for their team. Once a hero has been selected, priority moves to the red side. The overall draft order looks like this:
Draft Mode empowers players to be more expressive during hero select.
Throughout the Hero Select Phase, players are able to tap on a hero to give a thumbs up or thumbs down. Allies can see these indicators, immediately delivering feedback throughout the draft process. This will help you suggest a ban or a pick to allies and formulate a thoughtful hero comp, as well as dissuade allies from selecting a hero that won’t fit in well.
At any time during hero selection, a player can indicate to his team which position he intends to play via the familiar role selections of LANE, JUNGLE or ROAM. Additionally, players will also be able to show whether they intend to build crystal, weapon or utility items on that hero. Let your allies know how you plan to build, and avoid those double-weapon or double-crystal comps that are easy to counter.
Draft Mode is changing so much about Ranked play, but we couldn’t let pick order hurt the plans of the brilliant schemers out there.
After each player has picked a hero, the Swap Phase begins. You can suggest a swap with an ally, and if they consent, you’ll switch heroes. Swapping is crucial for prioritizing hero picks early in the draft — even if the player making the pick isn’t the player who intends to use that hero. These trades are even allowed if one of the trading players hasn’t unlocked one of the heroes being swapped!
Draft Mode will not be exclusive to Ranked queue. Allowing draft as a Private game mode will better support the thriving tournament scene and make this level of strategic preparation easier to practice and utilize by everyone. You’ll find the draft option listed as “PRIVATE – DRAFT” in your Private game drop-down menu.
Because captains are chosen randomly, each player will have the opportunity to experience each stage of Draft Mode. You will be assigned either first, second or third pick for your team. This predetermined pick order provides structure to change three players into a team. Respect and follow the pick order, allowing players above you to pick their roles first.
The number of unlocked heroes required for ranked is also increasing. Because there are 2 bans and 6 unique picks, players must have unlocked at least 8 heroes to queue for Ranked play. It’s best to feel comfortable playing as any role before diving into Ranked queue!
Update 1.14 introduces the new Winter Season jungle. At the heart of these changes is the desire to creative a tradeoff between efficient jungle clearing and battle readiness. If you want the most gold possible in the shortest amount of time, you’re going to be vulnerable at low health to a Krul jumping down your throat and smiting your soul. Let’s first summarize the changes …
- The Gold Mine always returns to neutral after capture.
- Minion Candy now works on neutral jungle miners and lasts the full 60 seconds. Remember: If it’s neutral, a candied miner can still turn on you!
- Jungle camps are now more powerful overall, with more defense, damage and move speed.
- Heal camps now restore more health & energy to compensate for tougher monsters, and the restoration scales with your level.

Strategy and diversity sit at the core of these jungle changes, rewarding those with precise calculation. Let’s take a detailed look at each change:
Gone are the days when one team “controls” the Gold Mine as a capture-and-hold point. This helps prevent mid-game snowballs and makes every Gold Mine payout worth fighting for (and steal-able)!
- If it’s safe to take Gold Mine, you can do so at any time without having to worry about maintaining possession. If you cannot take it, then pop a Minion Candy to make it a more difficult objective for the other team.
- Leash the Gold Mine mid-teamfights to pull it within range of the enemy team, and focus on using your positioning to maximize neutral miner damage to the other team, while minimizing the damage to your own. Remember: The Gold Miner deals ranged attacks!
- A reminder on the basics: An ally Minion Miner will provide crucial jungle vision for your team, fight on your side and make your lane minions stronger vs. enemy heroes and turrets. Controlling a single mine is a win-win; the only real decision is whether to take it immediately at 4 minutes or whether to wait until Minute 8 when it’s worth a ton of gold.
- Now that you can take one Minion Mine without over-pushing your lane or feeding the enemy extra gold, you can use a candied miner as an extra jungle ally to fend off invasions (or help keep invade gains). This is especially important with the new jungle lethality. You may need the help of an extra friend when if you’re forced to fight at half-health.
- Using a Minion Candy on the new Gold Miner is an obvious choice, but the most successful players in Update 1.14 will also utilize Minion Candy to buff Minion Miners. Not everyone realizes that you could always use candy on a Minion Miner; it just hasn’t been important until now.
- Minion Candy now lasts for the full 60 seconds once being popped on a Minion Miner and alongside the added Health introduced in 1.13 we can expect them to be a great support in the jungle.
- Prevent early-game snowballs by capturing a Minion Mine early to help you defend when playing from behind. And with the vast amount of gold and XP available if a Minion Miner is stolen, it’s worth carrying a Minion Candy or two to defend your jungle friend.
Jungle camps now have more strength, defense and move speed. But to prevent premature casualties, the healing camps provide extra health and energy. This puts more depth precisely at the way we choose to distribute jungle aggro (who the monster hits) and how opposing teams can meet head-on in the middle jungle.
- In order to properly maximize XP and bonus gold (on Ironguard Contract), jungle duos must know how to take on the jungle camps. To effectively do this without sacrificing levels, they have to learn how to split out the damage as well as the aggro. Do not kill one monster at a time. It’s best to evenly split the damage across all the monsters, then have the roamer leave the vicinity just far enough to to still gain bonus Ironguard gold but not XP. Leaving XP range is known as “hyper-leveling.” This helps your jungle carry reach Level 2 before your first fight.
- Keep in mind that your roamer cannot simply tank all the jungle monster damage like before. You’ll need to spread the damage between your jungle duo in order to not cripple one jungler or the other.
- Aggravated jungle camps will now pursue you with more move speed. This means these more lethal monsters will pose a danger to both melee and ranged junglers.
- Jungle monsters will get tougher over time as you level up, so they won’t be push-overs at any point in the match. That means these tips will consistently apply throughout the game.
- Stealing the enemy’s back jungle camps are now much more punishing to you. You might steal the gold, but you’ll walk away with a health meter reflecting the jungle battles you just had. It’s important to remember just how risky it now is to steal enemy back camps, even if you secure an early kill. You’ll be very vulnerable in the time afterward.
- The placement of Scout Traps is now even more effective when placed properly to deal damage, especially in early levels. Not only can these net you a kill with a trap, but it can also save your jungle camps from being stolen.
Kraken is the heavily contested objective of the late-game. Having Kraken be available more often results in more team combat, contested areas and strategic decisions.
- Kraken’s respawn timer is down from 4 to 3 minutes.
- Kraken is slightly weaker to basic attacks and slightly more resilient to abilities.
With all these Winter Season jungle changes, there’s much more depth in how to approach jungling. The new jungle opens up new possibilities while keeping the learning curve balanced for both new and experienced players. Experiment with different jungling styles — conservative and aggressive alike — as this will not only improve personal mechanics but team coordination as well.
You need to be extra-thoughtful when deciding how to approach jungling. Carefully decide each match between the ultra-efficient jungle clears we’ve grown accustomed to and battle readiness. When that enemy team tries to catch you underprepared, will you be ready?
ROAM is a former Vainglory competitive player widely considered one of the best roamers in the world. He now works for Super Evil on secret projects of great import.
Death clocks are largely unchanged at minute 0 and minute 24, but at minute 15, they are now 5 seconds longer. We’re also addressing an issue with late-game 5 turret sweeps.
- From 5-26-60 seconds at 0-15-24 minutes to 5-25-60 seconds at 0-13-24 minutes
- Death clocks decline by 15% whenever one of your turrets are destroyed while you are dead
Currently favors late-game team compositions a tad too much. We’re tweaking it back, but keeping the mechanic a prominent part of Vainglory.
- From 8% of gold difference to 6%
- Max individual net worth used when calculating bounty exchange down from 15k to 13k
Rounding the lane gold to a nice round number of 200 per wave, the large minion is now worth exactly 2 creep score.
- Large minion bounty down from 85 to 80 gold
Turrets were alerted to allied heroes taking damage well outside of their attack range, resulting in them experiencing a lapse in mental fortitude. No more! —AdyEndrus
- Turrets no longer attempt to defend allied heroes that are outside of their attack range.
- Crystal damage is shown as blue numbers to better illustrate the source of all damage.
While Breaking Point is intended to scale over time, we’re not happy with builds that rely solely on it as the only damage item while building full tank. This change makes Breaking Point require additional offensive items, and even encourages glass cannon builds. —SurpriseBirthday
- Breaking Point stacks changed from 9 (ranged) / 15 (melee) weapon power, 5% critical strike chance and 5% critical strike damage to 10 weapon power
- Gain a stack for every 125 weapon damage dealt to enemy heroes (+5 weapon damage needed to earn each stack thereafter).
- Maximum stacks changed from 20 to 25
- Decays 2 stacks per second after you’ve stopped stacking for 2 seconds.
- New Recipe: Heavy Steel (1150) + Blazing Salvo (700) + Recipe (650)
- New Stats: 35% attack speed and 30 weapon power
We’re leaning even further into the downside of this item, which is that you have to WAIT for power. —SurpriseBirthday
- Damage amplification down from 6 stacks of 6% amp to 7 stacks of 5% amp. (It used to take 6 seconds to reach 36% amp, now it takes 7 seconds to reach 35% amp)
Several heroes have kits that invisibly grant damage reduction in the form of bonus defenses. We’re removing the stopgap solution as now we believe Fortified Health (introduced with Reim) is a better way for indicating that heroes are temporarily tougher than normal, but can still deal damage to their health (unlike Barriers). Fortified Health can absorb twice as much damage as normal health, and is displayed as a lighter colored section of the health bar.
- Verse of Judgement fortifies 100-175-250 health for 2.5 seconds
- No longer grants 50 armor/shield
- Dragonbreath fortifies 150-225-300 health for 5 seconds
- No longer grants 50 armor/shield
- Into the Fray fortifies 30-35-40-45-55 health per hero hit for 3 seconds
- No longer grants 10-15% damage reduction
- Red Mist fortifies 50-75-100 health per second, for 1 second
- No longer grants 40-80 armor/shield during channeling
- Barrier upon reaching max Blood Rage removed.
- Rose Offensive fortifies 60-100-140 health during his dash
- No longer grants 100/200/300 armor/shield
- Polite Company fortifies his and ally’s health for 80-100-120-140-180 + 20% of Phinn’s bonus Armor/Shield + 6% Phinn’s bonus Max Health for 2 seconds
- No longer grants barrier, armor or shield
Ardan seemed like he was Kung Fu fighting. His kicks were fast as lightning.
- Fixed a bug where his attack animation and attack cooldown were slightly faster than standard.
Vanguard’s long range allowed Ardan to succeed with poor positioning. Now, Ardan’s allies need to be more aware of when Ardan needs an escape and provide him one by stepping closer.
- Range reduced from 9.0 to 7.0
- Barrier health ratio down from 25% to 15%
Gauntlet lacked the proper telegraphing to allow enemies to react to it. Also, the displacement near the wall was often very jarring and confusing for its victims. We’re making Gauntlet much more avoidable due to the telegraph ring, but instead of displacing you to either side of the wall, it will now instantly stun you if you don’t move out of the way!
- Displays a ring when cast where the Gauntlet will form. Players caught touching the wall when the animation completes are instantly stunned instead of pushed out of the way.
We’re simplifying the dizzying math and mechanics around Feint of Heart’s damage to make it easier to play against. —Zekent
Feint of Heart
Feint of Heart now focuses on percentage of missing health as weapon damage, instead of being a super-sized basic attack and a source of true damage. —Zekent
- Weapon scaling changed from 120-130-140-150-160% to 100% at all levels
- Execute damage changed from 10% + 8% WP of missing health as true damage to 12-15-18-21-24% + 18% WP of missing health as weapon damage
Kestrel’s early jungle clear is too quick and her early pressure is too high. Her main weakness of having to reload her arrows was the point of emphasis to make up for her strengths. —Zekent
Lowering the hitbox of Glimmershot allows for more finite aim in the midst of a team fight, but prevents stray arrows from dealing damage. —AdyEndrus
- Splash damage from 50-100-150-200-250 + 125% CR to 30-70-110-150-190 + 160%CR
- Splash damage to minions down from 50-75-100-125-150 to 30-60-90-120-150
- Weapon ratio changed from 125% to 95-105-115-125-135%
- Reload delay up from 3.3 to 4.0 seconds
- Hitbox greatly reduced
Active Camo
Active Camo is an interesting ability that forces Kestrel to make split-second decisions, which can be a lot of fun.
- Energy cost reduced from 200 to 160
- Fixed a bug where Goop’s initial burst dealt full damage to Minions & Kraken.
- Damage to minions down from 75-125-175-225-325 + 140% CR to 75-115-155-195-275 + 70% CR
- Damage to each subsequent target passed through up from 66% to 85%
Nudging power away from crystal Skye and toward weapon Skye. Hoping to create an interesting argument to build either way. —SurpriseBirthday
- Forward Barrage & Death From Above damage to objectives down from 70% to 60%
Suri Strike
- Crystal Ratio down from 150% to 100%
- Cooldown up at max rank up from 5 to 5.5 seconds
Forward Barrage
- Bonus critical damage up from 60-60-60-60-90% to 100-100-100-100-150%
- Weapon ratio up from 190% to 210%
Her munions’ survivability were under-tuned and too easy to kill. —SurpriseBirthday
- Armor and shield up from 100 to 120-125-130-135-145 + 12% crystal ratio.
Boosting his ultimate base damage so that roam Adagio is more of a threat when channeling his ultimate. Also dropping early-game Agent of Wrath damage a bit for those extreme early-game scenarios. —Zekent
Verse of Judgement
- Damage increased from 430-670-910 to 450-750-1050.
Gift of Fire
- Burst heal changed from 55-60-65-70-135 to 55-70-85-100-130
- Heal per second changed from 18-20-22-24-26 to 15-20-25-30-35
- Fire damage changed from 20-32-44-56-68 to 20-30-40-50-70
- Fire damage ratio up from 18% to 20%
Agent of Wrath
- Damage boost changed from 35-45-55-65-115 to 25-40-55-70-115
- Clarify: Only base damage is enhanced by Arcane Fire’s self-cast boost.
Putting a bit of power back into the more visible parts of Rona’s kit as well as a bit of wave-clear reduction. —SurpriseBirthday
Into the Fray
- Impact damage up from 20-35-50-65-110 to 50-70-90-110-150
- Rupture damage up from 40-70-100-130-200 to 100-140-180-220-300
- Fixed a bug where Into the Fray would rupture the ground 0.2 seconds later than intended.
Red Mist
- Damage to minions lowered to 50%.
Attack of the Pack
- Pack wolves changed so they only take hero damage from basic attacks.
The wave-clear squad has paid Phinn a visit! —Zekent
- Damage to minions down from 230-320-410-500-590 + 200% crystal ratio to 160-220-280-340-400 + 60% crystal ratio
Don’t worry, Glaive gets his share of wave-clear nerfs too. —Zekent
- Damage to minions lowered to 50%
- The in-app Newsfeed has been upgraded with more tabs featuring the best Vainglory content.
- Fixed a bug where consuming new infusions after you have leveled up during the existing one did not recalculate stats based on your new level.
Mortal Wound
- Fixed a bug where Mortal Wound would not reduce lifesteal
- Fixed a bug where Mortal Wound incorrectly reduced outbound healing
- Mortal wound now affects Fortified Health
- Gauntlet now displays the correct stun duration.
- Fix bug where Attack of the Pack wolves would stutter when attacking fleeing heroes.
- Fixed a bug where his perk’s speed boost didn’t last for the full duration in early game.
- Fixed a bug where Into the Fray would rupture the ground 0.2 seconds later than intended.
- Suppressing Fire now displays the correct slow duration
- Fixed a bug where Goop’s initial burst dealt full damage to Minions & Kraken
Celebrate the Lunar New Year with us with Update 1.14 and get huge Glory gifts when you log in every day!